Fabric design house from Taiwan

Strawberry Cupcake Bag


It is the season that makes me feel dizzy - literally... Dizzy of joy, dizzy of the rush to open my eyes wider so to accept all the beauty of this spring without fainting. Dizzy because of the sent of all the blooming flowers and grass. And the green... this green that seems to amaze me every year, as if I am throwing my sight on this green for the first time ever...  

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Hearts of Friendship Mini-Quilt


 This mini-quilt I made in an adventurous sew-along with so many talented and creative wonder-makers.

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Old-fashioned Pincushion


I love the rustic look of this pincushion, I have created with so much love. It took a harsh training of my patience muscle, but I think I behaved well.  

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Dancing Flowers


Almost here, almost arrived...

The beautiful season with flowers is not in full bloom in my garden, but the thought of it makes me dream flowers, plan the new look of my garden and sew more and more in colours. 

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🍓 Strawberries

🍓 Strawberries

Before spring arrives, I am already busy celebrating juicy fragrant strawberries. This placemat is inspired by the colourful happy book of Atsuko Matsuyama and although the recipe is changed a little bit, I used her design for the appliquéd strawberries and turned them into a mini place mat - big enough to serve well my little one for her lunches at school.

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'Happy Spring' Messenger

'Happy Spring' Messenger

When I was a child, I was visiting my grandmother in the village almost every Sunday. It was kind of annoying for most of the visits. I used to find it boring being there and sooo much work to do all the time - work, I was never fond of, since it wasn't anything joyful.

The most exciting thing, or better said - the least annoying, was sweeping the porch, which I was imagining was more like playing with the vine leaves. The porch was covered with vines - old, proud, very delicious fruit giving vines that threw the most interesting, playful shade over. 

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Breakfast for Two

Breakfast for Two

It is not St. Valentine. Today is not our anniversary. It is no one's birthday. It is not one of these days that are special, because so many years ago we kissed for the first time, or we looked at each other and sparked the love. It is not the day of the first love letter received, nor the first surprise.

It is a very ordinary Sunday - one of the not so many Sundays, that happened rarely - when we have nothing else to do, but plan for a light breakfast. 

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'Le petit pois' shopping bag

'Le petit pois' shopping bag

The green, oh the living green - brings always hope. In the long winter days, there is this craving for fresh green, thirst for new life. I can not wait for my first plants to start showing their tiny noses from the ground. And to satisfy my affection for green, I look for inspiring projects.

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'Happy Flowers' mini-pouch

'Happy Flowers' mini-pouch

"Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. "

Ralf Waldo Emerson

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A Gift of Love

A Gift of Love

... to my sweet, sweet darling Valentine(s) ♥ ♥ ♥

"She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me. I ought never to have run away from her... I ought to have guessed all the affection that lay behind her poor little stratagems. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Minki's Pincushions

Minki's Pincushions

These pincushions are part of Minki's collection of amazing artistic creations. You can visit her place and sink into the delicate designs and perfect makes she has. She is such an inspiration! I have been following Minki for years now, and for the first time dare to try one of her designs - the pincushions. The pattern could be found in Sewing Illustrations.

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Computer case "Winnie-the-Pooh"

Computer case "Winnie-the-Pooh"

This case is a gift for my beautiful and loving daughter, who still has a heart of a child and loves everything colourful, adventures and Disney related. She has her moments of favouriting some Disney characters, but the stories of Winnie the Pooh are a classic and very precious to her. When she bought her first laptop herself, she wanted to wait for our vacation to DisneyWorld (yay, soon to be... in March) and buy a case there. I decided to surprise her and make something unique, that she would love. It was meant to be a Christmas present, but unfortunately, wasn't finished in time.

Here it is, a month later, her new and custom sewn, hand-quilted and Pooh and Piglet appliquéd computer case for her to enjoy:

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Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh

Finishing some hand-quilting on this wonderful project that was meant to be a Christmas present ????for my beautiful, Disney obsessed, loving daughter. Hopefully, it will be done for Valentine's Day. The amazingly textured @haori.taiwan.official yarn-dyed cotton fabric comes to help in that and it is even more fun to salute the Winnie the Pooh day in the @disneystore photo challenge #SoThisIsLove .

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Spring color in 2017!

Spring color in 2017!

​We had selected the spring colors for 2017, and ready have a lot of handmade projects with them!

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Money envelope

Money envelope

Another red and gold come together to create a traditional money envelope, that is given to young children by their parents and grand parents for the Lunar New Year celebration.

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新年快樂 Menu

新年快樂 Menu
...or why to acknowledge the Chinese New Year While we are looking at the new year, planning how to organize our months and almost in the rhythm of every day life, people from far east are preparing the most significant celebration of the year for them - the Chinese New Year. This tradition of New Year's festival has stayed for centuries and is a r...
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Menu holder/organizer for Chinese New Year

Menu holder/organizer for Chinese New Year
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New project - Owl, the good fortune

New project - Owl, the good fortune
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cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms
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Simple handmade project for the beginning of 2017!

Simple handmade project for the beginning of 2017!
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