Fabric design house from Taiwan

Noel en broderie "campagne"


Another year is passing. The last days of the year are dripping through my fingers, but I don't want to look back. I know what has happened. I was there, I witnessed all of it. And isn't that a blessing?! 

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Advent in Winterwald


 Advent is about to start - the most exciting countdown ever experienced! It is the best time of the whole season - the anticipation of Christmas... the busy preparation, the desperate attempt to calm emotions down and the beauty in all that.

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Spring Apron "Geranium"


Spring is a beautiful season! It is always so long anticipated. Just at the end of the waiting, just before the buds on the trees explode into beautiful leaves, I am so anxious to start planting and taking care of my garden, that sometimes, I couldn't breath.  

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Breakfast for Two

Breakfast for Two

It is not St. Valentine. Today is not our anniversary. It is no one's birthday. It is not one of these days that are special, because so many years ago we kissed for the first time, or we looked at each other and sparked the love. It is not the day of the first love letter received, nor the first surprise.

It is a very ordinary Sunday - one of the not so many Sundays, that happened rarely - when we have nothing else to do, but plan for a light breakfast. 

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'Le petit pois' shopping bag

'Le petit pois' shopping bag

The green, oh the living green - brings always hope. In the long winter days, there is this craving for fresh green, thirst for new life. I can not wait for my first plants to start showing their tiny noses from the ground. And to satisfy my affection for green, I look for inspiring projects.

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