Fabric design house from Taiwan

Strawberry Cupcake Bag

It is the season that makes me feel dizzy - literally... Dizzy of joy, dizzy of the rush to open my eyes wider so to accept all the beauty of this spring without fainting. Dizzy because of the sent of all the blooming flowers and grass. And the green... this green that seems to amaze me every year, as if I am throwing my sight on this green for the first time ever...  

Every single year, my heart starts jumping wildly with the first dark green after a stormy rain, with the first petal of the blooming cherry tree, right in front of my window, with the tulip buds underneath the tree. And my heart beats so strong, it makes me dizzy. I am drunk, after drinking all this beauty...

My strawberries look sad, after the winter, but I am about to make them happy, cleaning the dry, frozen leaves, making space in between them (they tent to hug each other under the snow, too close...), aerate the beds. I am always eager to anticipate the season in advance, so before they even flower, I honour the strawberries in this happy bag. 

????Materials used:
HAORI beautiful medium weight solid pink yarn-dyed cotton - for the front and back

HAORI raspberry red for the bottom 

HAORI beautiful medium weight solid gold yarn-dyed cotton - for the lining

LECIEN Retro 30's Child Smile Spring 2016 quilting weight cotton - for the sides and cupcake appliqué and inside pockets

Medium weight batting

Strawberry Handles - leather-like and hemp

Lace for the inside pockets

Metal accessories for inside assembly

Silver metal and pink plastic buttons

HAORI polyester thread for the handles

DMC embroidery thread

????Technics used:



Machine piecing


Hand-sewing the bias tape

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Tuesday, 18 February 2025

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