Fabric design house from Taiwan

Nordic Winter


Inspired by the upcoming season, I have designed this mini-quilt with a little twist to the stockings and the Christmas tree appearance. 

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Apple Blossom Purse


It is a pure revealing of my soul - such a pretty, not screaming pink, my favourite ever, characteristic in texture fabric, embroidery, Japanese-style design, absolutely cool and unique handle and great size... 

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Boro Style, super mini-purse


  I would like to show you what you could do with these little treasures from HAORI.

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I am a CHILD again


In the days of spring, it feels so easy to dream... 

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Sweet Violet


My beautiful girls grow like flowers! They make every day of my life feel like blooming spring. I have certain flowers in my mind every time I dive into their eyes. They are absolutely, gorgeously, lovingly speaking with their eyes - I could see sunny days there; stormy summer nights with lightnings, thunders, darkness, all of it; windy, carrying away petals moods; bright and crisp rainbows; rejuvenating spring rains... all of their character is so well expressed in the eyes. But every time, no matter how strong the wind blows, or the rain whip-lashes, I see the deep colours of my flower. It doesn't matter how young and fragile the flowers is, it is always there, in their eyes. This flower doesn't bend because of the stormy wind, doesn't burn because of the sun, and never, never stops blooming.

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Shabby Sewing Organizer


This organizer is another project, inspired by the Atsuko Matsuyama cheerful book "Happy Flower Quilts". I adapted the recipe quite a bit, also inspired by Kristyne Czepuryk from "Pretty by Hand" and her idea to use the tiny magnets that help attaching the mini pouch and the tiniest pincushion on Earth... 

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Strawberry Cupcake Bag


It is the season that makes me feel dizzy - literally... Dizzy of joy, dizzy of the rush to open my eyes wider so to accept all the beauty of this spring without fainting. Dizzy because of the sent of all the blooming flowers and grass. And the green... this green that seems to amaze me every year, as if I am throwing my sight on this green for the first time ever...  

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Old-fashioned Pincushion


I love the rustic look of this pincushion, I have created with so much love. It took a harsh training of my patience muscle, but I think I behaved well.  

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Dancing Flowers


Almost here, almost arrived...

The beautiful season with flowers is not in full bloom in my garden, but the thought of it makes me dream flowers, plan the new look of my garden and sew more and more in colours. 

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3000 Hits

'Happy Spring' Messenger

'Happy Spring' Messenger

When I was a child, I was visiting my grandmother in the village almost every Sunday. It was kind of annoying for most of the visits. I used to find it boring being there and sooo much work to do all the time - work, I was never fond of, since it wasn't anything joyful.

The most exciting thing, or better said - the least annoying, was sweeping the porch, which I was imagining was more like playing with the vine leaves. The porch was covered with vines - old, proud, very delicious fruit giving vines that threw the most interesting, playful shade over. 

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'Happy Flowers' mini-pouch

'Happy Flowers' mini-pouch

"Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. "

Ralf Waldo Emerson

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Money envelope

Money envelope

Another red and gold come together to create a traditional money envelope, that is given to young children by their parents and grand parents for the Lunar New Year celebration.

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新年快樂 Menu

新年快樂 Menu
...or why to acknowledge the Chinese New Year While we are looking at the new year, planning how to organize our months and almost in the rhythm of every day life, people from far east are preparing the most significant celebration of the year for them - the Chinese New Year. This tradition of New Year's festival has stayed for centuries and is a r...
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Menu holder/organizer for Chinese New Year

Menu holder/organizer for Chinese New Year
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cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms
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' I love winter ' Pouch

' I love winter ' Pouch
The real winter has just arrived! It is getting colder every day. I hope we have a White Christmas this year! With all the festively decorated houses, pure white snow makes it magical, reflecting the colourful lights. It really is 'the most beautiful time of the year! I made this appliquéd little pouch to celebrate the beautiful winter we are havin...
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Fabric Envelope Tutorial

Fabric Envelope Tutorial
​The most important letter for the whole year is the letter to Santa. We work hard and try to be good to each other,to do good things, to achieve better with the idea to be happy and proud with ourselves, to set a good example to our kids and enter the Holiday season with calmness. I made this envelope as a nice gesture of appreciation for my girls...
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Mon étui

Mon étui
It is ready, my needle-case for embroidery. It took a while, until I figure how to fit the pieces together and where would be the best place for all the elements I need. With it, I could carry all I need for my little embroidery projects. The fabric, I used, is the Haori fabric, I posted earlier in my blog. It is absolutely amazing to work with it....
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Mon étui in progress

Mon étui in progress

Oh, lovely autumn, so inspiring and beautiful! And I am so in love with the Haori fabric! It was exactly what I was looking for my special "Mon étui" project. Muted, earthy colours, very course weave, that gives a characteristic texture to the fabric. Differently coloured fibres, interestingly weaved into the solid colour make the thread choices a challenge that results in a telling-a-story kind of projects - just the ones I love. ♥ Finally, I narrowed down my choices to these colours:

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