Fabric design house from Taiwan

Nordic Winter


Inspired by the upcoming season, I have designed this mini-quilt with a little twist to the stockings and the Christmas tree appearance. 

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"The Apple of Knowledge" Mini-Purse and Pattern


The purse is big enough for the small size moleskin and all of your favourite pens and pencils, plus small accessories. The original design is a HAORI design, and I have changed the front image. 

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"Sweet Friend" Pique-nique


A fox was walking through the forest when he saw a crow sitting on a tree branch with a fine piece of cheese in her beak. The fox wanted the cheese and decided he would be clever enough to outwit the bird.

"What a noble and gracious bird I see in the tree!" proclaimed the fox, "What exquisite beauty! What fair plumage! If her voice is as lovely as her beauty, she would no doubt be the jewel of all birds."

The crow was so flattered by all this talk that she opened her beak and gave a cry to show the fox her voice.
"Caw! Caw!" she cried, as the cheese dropped to the ground for the fox to grab.

The Fox and the Crow

Aesop Fable

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I am a CHILD again


In the days of spring, it feels so easy to dream... 

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Strawberry Cupcake Bag


It is the season that makes me feel dizzy - literally... Dizzy of joy, dizzy of the rush to open my eyes wider so to accept all the beauty of this spring without fainting. Dizzy because of the sent of all the blooming flowers and grass. And the green... this green that seems to amaze me every year, as if I am throwing my sight on this green for the first time ever...  

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Hearts of Friendship Mini-Quilt


 This mini-quilt I made in an adventurous sew-along with so many talented and creative wonder-makers.

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Old-fashioned Pincushion


I love the rustic look of this pincushion, I have created with so much love. It took a harsh training of my patience muscle, but I think I behaved well.  

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Dancing Flowers


Almost here, almost arrived...

The beautiful season with flowers is not in full bloom in my garden, but the thought of it makes me dream flowers, plan the new look of my garden and sew more and more in colours. 

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🍓 Strawberries

🍓 Strawberries

Before spring arrives, I am already busy celebrating juicy fragrant strawberries. This placemat is inspired by the colourful happy book of Atsuko Matsuyama and although the recipe is changed a little bit, I used her design for the appliquéd strawberries and turned them into a mini place mat - big enough to serve well my little one for her lunches at school.

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'Happy Spring' Messenger

'Happy Spring' Messenger

When I was a child, I was visiting my grandmother in the village almost every Sunday. It was kind of annoying for most of the visits. I used to find it boring being there and sooo much work to do all the time - work, I was never fond of, since it wasn't anything joyful.

The most exciting thing, or better said - the least annoying, was sweeping the porch, which I was imagining was more like playing with the vine leaves. The porch was covered with vines - old, proud, very delicious fruit giving vines that threw the most interesting, playful shade over. 

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