Fabric design house from Taiwan

Every year, at the beginning of December, my beautiful girls wish for something for Christmas. Actually, they make plans through the whole year, and the list changes every other week, but this is the time when they have to make up their minds, sit down with a pen and paper and write their wish. They always make it in a card form, so they could draw a picture to Santa. I noticed how through  the years the pictures started to loose the intense passion they were having when the girls were younger, but I am so grateful that they are still doing it. My ten-year-old still truly believes in Santa and my seventeen-year-old girl, almost adult, is still writing and drawing her letters. Santa couldn't be happier. I do not think that there would be a magical Christmas spirit without this wonderful gesture of theirs.
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This year I decided to make an envelope for their letters. I think Santa would appreciate that very much! 
I remember the days in my high-school years, when I was receiving letters from my pen-palls and there was this particular friend, who had always decorated the envelopes, drawing for me happy colourful things. The feeling was magical! I was so impatient to open it, and at the same time wanted to savour the loving images on the envelope. The envelope itself was telling me a story. Later, we connected in person, and a wonderful relationship sparkled ... Amazing memory, that is distracting me completely, so I better go back to my project...
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I am so in love with the Haori fabric! Muted, earthy colours, very course weave, that gives a characteristic texture to the fabric.


Haori fabric has a heart and soul. Everything that I make with it tells a story.


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Tue-Sat --------------------------- 11am - 7pm

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