Fabric Envelope Tutorial
The most important letter for the whole year is the letter to Santa. We work hard and try to be good to each other,to do good things, to achieve better with the idea to be happy and proud with ourselves, to set a good example to our kids and enter the Holiday season with calmness.
I made this envelope as a nice gesture of appreciation for my girls - they always write their letters to Santa and believe in the good spirit of Christmas.
Here is the recipe for making the envelope:
materials needed:
you will find a helpful link to all the HAORI products in the description below:
* for the face: yarn-dyed Haori fabric size: 27cm x 27cm
* for the lining: yarn-dyed Haori fabric size: 27cm x 27cm
* for the appliqué: pieces from Haori pre-cut quilting size: 7cm x 7cm
* heavy weight fusible interfacing size: 27cm x 27cm
* Haori quilting thread for machine sewing
* embroidery floss
* one decorative button for the closure
* a pencil, a ruller, a pair of scissors and lots of imagination.
prepare the envelope:
1. Use a regular paper envelope as a template. There are so different shapes and sizes on the market - it would be your personal choice. I chose an envelope from 'Hallmark'. Their envelopes are precisely made and very classy.

Make a copy of the envelope or use it as it is. I made a copy.
2. On a separate sheet, draw the pattern for the face of the envelope. Cut it out - just the rectangular shape that will have the address and the picture. I could have drawn my picture on the envelope, but I think this way the limitation is more obvious and can not go wild on the drawing. Besides, the small piece is better to use.